
If your pet is on medication please bring it along and we will make sure they receive it. Once-a-day chewable meds are administered at no charge. Eye and ear drops, multiple meds, and injections are $1.00 for each administration.

Medical Emergencies

It is the pet owner's responsibility to provide us with current records! In case of an emergency, we contact your veterinarian first. If they cannot be reached, we will contact ours which is Village Animal Clinic. 

Health & Saftey

A current shot record is required at the time of check-in!

At Cherokee Kennels we strive to keep your pet healthy and happy! 


We are constantly monitoring for behavior changes that may indicate something is wrong.  The things we watch closley is their behavior, how they are eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom.  Loose stool is common in high energy dogs, nervouse dogs, and dogs staying with us for the first time. We generally add a tablespoon of punmpkin to their diet to help with this and usually it clears up withing a day or two. If it does not we will contact you. 


It is common for dogs to loose some weight while they stay with us due to the higher energy environment compared to home.  Also do not be alarmed if your dog developes some loose stool when they get home. A lot of times this can be due to their excitement of seeing you and returning home and should clear up within 48 hours. 


To ensure an infection-and-parasite free environment for your pet, the following actions are taken:

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